Tuesday 21 February 2012


Urdu is world’s 4th biggest language with hindi. It has been spoken all over the world. It is national language of Pakistan. These days with help of UTF encoding it is very easy to create an urdu blog. There are many free services which are providing blogging. To create an urdu blog you have to choose a blog provider.
WordPress.pk and Urdutech.com are the special services for Urdu language. You can get a blog absolutely free. Both of them will provide you dozens of free Themes for Urdu language. They are using WordPress platform. Additionally Urdu Blogz is a good aggregating service for Urdu Bloggers. After creating an account you will find a very easy to understand interface, just install urdu keyboard in your computer, urdu fonts and start writing articles. Urdu Blogs will help you wherever it is possible. If you can read urdu please visit this link and read all the information in detail.